Perinet Use Cases Practical examples of innovative applications with Perinet and Zentinel technology

Digital innovation for Industry 4.0

The digitalisation of industrial processes is the key to increasing efficiency, safety and competitiveness. Here we present a selection of use cases that show how companies can achieve these goals with the innovative solutions from Perinet GmbH and Zentinel MDS.

The solutions presented here are flexible, scalable and ready for immediate use. Let us inspire you and get in touch to find out more about the possibilities of digitization with Perinet and Zentinel MDS.

The basis: Perinet technology

As a technology leader, Perinet provides the basis for these solutions. Our Single Pair Ethernet-based Smart Components form the bridge between the machine level and the IT systems. Our basic products are designed to integrate seamlessly into existing infrastructures and offer maximum flexibility.

The realisation: Zentinel MDS

Our partner company Zentinel MDS builds on this foundation and develops customised solutions that are perfectly tailored to the customer's specific requirements. Thanks to extensions and customised firmware adaptations based on Perinet technology, use cases can be implemented in record time - without changes to the machine controls or complex system integration.

Lean, efficient IoT solutions and inspiration for

  • Production experts: Find out how you can organise your production processes more efficiently.
  • IT Manager: Learn how to easily integrate production data into your systems.
  • Decision-makers: Discover the financial benefits of lower costs and greater security.

Pressure monitoring for
mobile concrete pumps (Perinet)

Energy consumption measurement in
residential buildings (Zentinel MDS)

Digitisation of a PET blowmoulding
machine (Zentinel MDS)

OEE monitoring for
packaging lines (Zentinel MDS)

Production data integration in
SAP S/4HANA (Zentinel MDS)

Control unit with Start, Stop, Reset buttons, system cabinet with glass door behind it, compressed air hoses

Compressed air monitoring in
production (Zentinel MDS)

Production data for machine
learning (Zentinel MDS)

Monitoring and analysing
machine KPIs (Zentinel MDS)


Industrieller Retrofit

Bestehende Anlagen können schnell und einfach auf aktuelle Technologien wie Predictive Maintenance und Digitale Zwillinge aufgerüstet werden.

Leistungsfähige Erweiterungen wie der periMICA Edge Computer ermöglichen oder ertüchtigen die Vernetzung bestehender Lösungen.



Klar strukturierte, sichere Kommunikationssysteme ermöglichen ganz einfach hoch leistungsfähige Verbindungen von Feld- und Betriebsebene.
So können Unternehmens-
bereiche direkt verknüpft und Prozesse transparenter und effizienter gestaltet werden.

Design-in Netzwerkanbindung

Sensorhersteller können ihr OEM-Angebot praktisch sofort mit individuellen Netzwerkfähigkeiten erweitern und damit zukunftsfähig machen.

Das praxisbewährte Perinet Kommunikationsmodul kann verschiedenste Sensoren ganz einfach und sicher an alle Netzwerkschichten der IP-Kommunikation anbinden.