periMICA container | Beschreibung | Version |
Alpine | The Alpine container facilitates the development of customized applications for the periMICA basesystem | 23-01 |
Dashboard | A tool to display periNODE smart adapter data with minimum configuration effort | 27 |
Debian | The Debian container facilitates the development of customized applications for the periMICA basesystem | 23-01 |
MQTT broker | An MQTT message distribution service for IoT applications | 24 |
Node-RED | A Low-code programming tool for event-driven applications | 23-02 |
periCORE debug | Provides various debug server configurations for periCORE development | 23-01 |
PKI2go | A user friendly interface for setup and management of secure communication between sensors, servers and clients in IoT applications | 24 |
Python | A lightweight scripting tool with pre-written template that can be modified, executed and monitored within the web interface | 24 |
Starter Kit Plus bundle | All necessary containers for Starter Kit Plus installation in one bundle | 23-02 |
Starter Kit Plus update bundle | An update bundle for previously installed and outdated Starter Kit Plus containers | 23-02 |
Firmware | Version |
periMICA basesystem | 23-01 |
periMICA basesystem | 22-03 |
periMICA basesystem | 21-02 |
periNODE distance | 18 |
periNODE distance | 22 |
periNODE 0-10V | 18 |
periNODE 0-10V | 22 |
periNODE GPIO | 18 |
periNODE GPIO | 22 |
periNODE GPIO | 23 |
periNODE Pt100 | 18 |
periNODE Pt100 | 22 |
periSTART standard | 18 |
periSTART standard | 22 |
periSWITCH 3-Port | 18 |
periSWITCH 3-Port | 22 |
periSNOOP 4-20mA | 5 |